Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chapter 1

So by now we're supposed to be finished Chapter 1 of Sticky Faith.  I'm sure some of you have gone on further and that's great although we'll focus our attention for the next few days on Chapter 1.  Every time I look back at this chapter I am relieved at the start of the "Practical" section where it says - "It's Never Too Late" and "It's Never Too Early".  I meet groups of kids all the time where I think I missed the opportunity to build into them and in my own kids I'm often guilty of thinking that they are so young that it doesn't matter as much.  Both of these are easy categories to fall into and we need to drastically change our thinking in order to react to them.  The chapter ends with a discussion about prayer - reminding us that no matter what the research says,  no matter what stage our kids are at, no matter how daunting the situation may seem that there is no substitute for prayer.  "We are full of suggestions.  But our top suggestion is this: trust the Lord with your kids and continue to ask - maybe at times beg - the Lord to build in them a Sticky Faith."

The questions we want to tackle this week are #3 and #4 in the book:
3) How does it make you feel to think that you are the most important influence on your child's faith?

4) As you think about how you've been a parent thus far, what have you done that has contributed to your kids' faith? What do you wish you had done differently?

Next Steps:
We'd love for you to make a comment below this post and answer the questions above.  The more interaction and answers we get the more fun it will be for all of us to be on this journey together.  I'll make a second post if I feel the need to expand upon the questions based on the responses.  Look for a Chapter 2 post on Thursday of next week!


  1. the answer to the first question. I accepted Christ into my life when they were four..I still feel I do not know alot of things about raising children and how to influence them in their faith journey. I do know that God has a plan for their lives and I pray for them and try hard to trust that God's plans for them are big enough to cover my lack of parenting skills, mistakes, blind spots. I am looking forward to learning more about how I can influence their faith as they are going to be out there in the world without me soon.

  2. I think I always had this picture that since I worked with kids, it would be 'easy' to share my faith with my girls. But six years later, I'm amazed at how hard it really is! I feel confident that over the years my girls will see my faith and see how important Jesus is to me.

    Kim Ashley, Amelia's preschool teacher this year, has really challenged me in this. Her email updates about what she has been teaching the class has made me realize that it's okay to talk to very young children about deeper spiritual concepts. I think I've always had this "wait until they get older" idea and I regret that I haven't spoken truth to them in a more bold way.

